Monday, July 04, 2005

happy 4th o' july everyone! (even though there is only 46 minutes left until tomorrow. and the 5th of july is a rather banal day to be honest...)
i hope you were all model american citizens and ate some watermelon and watched (or set off) some loud explosions in the sky. i meant to do all those things but i got sidetracked.
here in moorpark, u.s.a. they celebrate july 3rd, which is the day BEFORE july 4th. but that doesn't stop them. i think it is to eliminate competition with other surrounding towns that are all vying for the biggest festival and the most spectacular firework extravaganza. so nick and i sat in lounge chairs in the backyard and watched the festivities last night and decided to forgo fighting the crowd tonight. we did eat a hamburger though and i think that is as american as one can get.
nick and i spent the greater part of the day transforming georgia's (nick's sister) childhood room into a study/ creative space for us. this involved a huge amount of dusting, vacuuming, dusting again, washing walls, and moving things into the garage (which is now messier than georgia's room was before we started. oh well---one thing at a time). the room used to have old posters of movies and albums on the wall and clutter all over every available service, but now it has a border of photos reflecting varied landscapes from across the globe and a map of the u.s. and a clean desk and a minimalist bed cum sofa. we sat back once we were finished (about 30 minutes ago) and surveyed our handiwork with pride. it feels great to have a room devoted to study and writing and creating and planning etc etc.
well---i'm sleepy from so much scrubbing so off to bed i go. sleep tight.
oh yeah---i changed the settings so now you don't have to be a member to comment on this blog. so anyone can just press the button and tell me things. do it now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

let it be known that i think EVERYONE should celebrate the 3rd of july. why celebrate the birthday of a silly thing like a country, when you could celebrate me? honestly.
just something to ponder.

8:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry bout the no comments. I to busy globe trotting to such envious destinations of Dallas and/or Houston Texas. Glad you enjoyed fireworks, either the 3rd or 4th. We choose, b/c we are traditionalist to watch fireworks on July 4th, just like we taught you to do. What happened to all that training?

7:00 AM


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