Thursday, August 04, 2005

oh california summer living.....
my belly is stuffed full of fresh fish from the grill and cherry tomatoes off the vine and artichoke all bought earlier this evening at the colourful farmer's market. yum yum. now i'm enjoying a cup of tea and trying to catch up on this blogging thing. georgia is home with her fabulous mohawk/40's style pouf hairstyle (didn't think it was possible did you? i'll post photos later to prove it to you). she is beautiful and sweet and it's very lovely to have her around. she has some very talkative friends that like to hang around till late in the night
i signed up for ballet and modern dance classes at the community college here---i'm so so excited. i can't wait to be a ballerina and wear a tutu. i actually signed up as georgia because it's so much cheaper. i can imagine it...the teacher calling roll..."georgia lange" and me raising my hand and saying " i go by brandyn DeCecco actually."
we'll be in chicago soon. we're planning on leaving the 20th o' august and staying there for the week. dan and riley will be back from setting bones with bricks and we'll have a swell ol' time together again. yay chicago! we may have to throw a rip-roaring party or sumpin'.
i hope i haven't lost all my faithful readers by not ever writing. forgive me. i love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

talkative? Who's talkative? We were quite silent last night. Although we did inspire Jenny to learn how to read.

11:15 AM

Blogger brandyn hart said...

that's so true---i think scruffy was actually the most conversational now that i think about it...

2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

scruffy and nick. those two were having quite the dialogue that night. and georgia and jenny were having their dialogue, but seperate from everyone else.

3:35 PM


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