the other morning whilst on my way to work i was struck by how un-urban i am. read on to find out why.
susie jessup from KCLU gave me her throaty-voiced up-to-the-minute traffic report as she has been doing every day for a year now (this particular traffic report was made possible by lowes building stores if you're interested...)
susie told me about the three incidents of the day causing blockage on the major thoroughfares:
a shovel in the right lane
a horse running along the shoulder
a mama duck and her ducklings in the left lane
i'm fond of my sweet suburban life.
the duck thing is not totally made that up!
12:24 PM
Oh come to Maine - the way life should be ;) We have parties of geese, ducks, horses, llamas, shovels and vegans in the road regularly. Plus with all your experience mind gardening, you must be able to think of a reason to come visit me...
PPPLLLLLEEEAASSSSSSSEEEEE..... I know from expereince you have traveled south, so now it is time to venture north. I sent you an email seeking your sassy sweetness in August... It was great catching up with you. Always be well!
Hugs to you -
7:11 AM
i totally did not make up the duck thing! honest.
and i just may have to come to maine--i'm looking at plane tickets now. you do not have llamas and vegans int the road. smart-ass.
9:10 AM
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