Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i keep checking this blog and it's still the same 'ol "i got a job" post. boring. i'm already over my new job. on to bigger and better things. nick and i purchased a food processor for one. i'm sure i don't need to sing the glories of the magnificent kitchen all-in-one utensil. suffice it to say that it does indeed slice, dice, and make julienne fries. i henceforth will never grate another carrot again. easter came and went this weekend. i ate a greenish-blue hard-boiled egg in celebration. i still don't really understand the connexion between a bunny that hides eggs (egg-laying bunny anyone?) and jesus but....that's okay. easter lunch is pretty yummy. however, nick and i were discussing if it was tacky to eat lamb on easter (another side of lamb of god anyone?). i've started working out again after a very long absence and it hurts and isn't fun at all. right now i would like to be pummeled by a professional masseuse and then fall asleep to someone fanning my face with a palm leaf. alas....some dreams never come true. but then sometimes they do. i never ever had a dream to be on e! entertainment television but if i did---i guess i could die happy. because that stupid interview in front of roscoe's house of chicken and waffles is apparantly now open for viewing by the american public. so i've heard... neither one us has seen it. but both of us have been told (by different people, at different times) "i saw you on television!" so there you go. come move here and become famous. it's the american dream. forget working hard to put your children through college and maybe even buying an r.v. when you're 60---NO! get on television by god! all you have to do is be at the right place at the right time and you can be a bazillionaire! egad.
actually---i have a confession to make.
nick and i are going to audition for a television show.
i'm serious.
suzanne found this post on craig's list that stated "wanted: a couple, romantically involved, willing to drop everything and travel on us!"
obviously she clicked it.
apparantly the travel channel (which aunt melissa has been trying to get me to work with for years) is looking for....well...a couple, romantically involved, willing to drop everything and travel on them. so we have to try at least..right? they are doing this show based on the book "1000 places to see before you die." and we have to make a three minute video selling ourselves. it's ludicrous. but also very very hilarious. send us ideas.
if we win i'll be sure to send each and every one of you 1000 postcards.
other than that, life is continuing as swimmingly as ever. i eat, go to work, read, go to work, run, use the restroom, go to work. you know....life. but somehow---time is travelling far too fast for comfort and i never feel like i get everything done that i need to. my dad's birthday present is sitting in the trunk, wrapped and ready to be mailed. i haven't written colleen a letter yet. i haven't spoken or emailed emily or timothy or practically anyone in ages. i need to clean out the garage. and not shy from my civic duty. and save the world. i should stop writing this blog and go do things. but it's my bedtime. why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How funny you should be auditioning for the Travel Channel now when all last week Ryan told me daily, "I want Brandyn to do the show 5 TAKES." So, guess I'm not the only one. Just tell them, if they choose you, I will watch the show. That should do it.

8:14 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

what my mother says is true. lol. love you brandyn - it would be insanely surreal to turn on my favorite channel (the travel one, heh heh.) and see my cousin's lovely face all over the globe! best of luck, love you!

9:12 PM


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