Thursday, February 16, 2006

thursday--the day after the day after valentine's day. valentine's day consisted of driving back from l.a. in traffic, falling asleep in front of a nature documentary, and being awoken with wine and moldy blueberries. nick claims he didn't know they were moldy. i'm trying not to over-analyze.
at this moment nick and bill are changing the water in our huge new aquarium and michelle is slumbering peacefully on the couch. yep--shelly is here and all is well. i thought she was coming in tomorrow so i called her early this morn to check her flight number etc. and she was like "'m in the airport now...i'll be there in an hour and a half." i awoke nick with a squeal and we were off--sleepy eyes and all. good thing i called. and becca is coming down for the weekend as well and life will be grand. life is grand now actually. two weekends ago nick and i voyaged to sequoia national park and gazed in awe and wonder at the largest living organisms on the planet. an amazing sight. the mountains were covered in snow and as we were driving up the windy mountain road under a full moon the snow was reflecting silver and the stars were twinkling in the cold air and the shadows of the trees were so dark and tall and i am positive that a unicorn lives in that forest. i am more sure of that than many things in my life. i didn't see it---but that means nothing. unicorns are purty. then last weekend, in direct contrast to our nature time in the mountains, we hung out in a recording studio in hollywood. bill and courtney were making a short film and enlisted our help. "help" consisted of sitting in front of a very large plasma television on a leather couch and eating delicious food all day. lox and bagels for breakfast, gourmet pizza for lunch and on and on. i ate a lot. and watched dog shows and winter olympics. sometimes the two blurred and i thought i was watching doglympics. anyway---a weekend of decadent laziness for all. oh--except for the people actually working on the film. they seemed to be working hard. l.a. is hilarious. in every cafe, on every street corner and in every bar there is someone talking about the "industry." i overheard so many location scouts, editors, cinematographers ad infinitum. silly silly. oh--speaking of the industry--this morn after picking up michelle we were walking into roscoe's house of chicken and waffles where--you guessed it--you eat delicious chicken and waffles, nick and i got interviewed on the street by some people with the e channel. halfway through we realised what channel it was and stated in a suprised voice--on camera--that it was the worst show on television. i don't think we'll be making it onto the t.v. oh well. we could have been famous. another opportunity lost. michelle is now awake and i can not choose a computer screen over her cute sleepy face so i'll away now. ta ta for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah for roscoe's...yay for michelle being in ca...yay for brandyn sounding happier than her blogs have in awhile...

3:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had a real "main squeeze" you would have had a Caesar Salad, Pecan Encrusted Flounder with an herb infused creme sauce on a bed of rice with a steamed veggie medley, a glass of Chardoney and a mixed berrie/whipped creme dessert for Valentines Day. But I guess wine and moldy blueberries are good. Of course it could have been worse... you could have gone hunting with Dick Cheney!

7:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure this will sound nit-picky--as though I am trying to "correct" you or something, but I really don't mean it that way at all. Your reference to "largest living organism" reminded me of something I read somewhere, or saw on television, or just dreamt, maybe. Somewhat surprisingly, the largest living organism (I think it's in Canada somewhere) is supposed to be a single mushroom culture that spans several square miles. Of course, it lacks the grandeur of a redwood because each time it surfaces it looks like... well... like a little mushroom. But under the earth, each cap is connected to its neighbors by a network of roots. Anyway, I am so embarrassed at having sullied your comments section with this inane trivia, that I have decided to post this comment anonymously. :-)

3:19 PM


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