Tuesday, September 06, 2005

i just realised my birthday blog got totally cut off in the middle which is a drag. i do not remember what else i put in it but i'm quite sure it was brilliant. i do know that i put if anyone wanted to get me a late birthday present to donate to the red cross or any institution of your choice that is helping out the victims of the hurricane disaster. those poor poor people. everyone should stop sometime today and count your blessings.
i had a luxouriously (that is spelled so so wrong--feel free to correct me) lazy labour day weekend hanging out with my pillow and some movies. what a delight.....
and i bought some tights and i got 2 leotards for $10 which is way way cool so i think i am officially a dancer now that i have the outfit right? oh i wish outfits made one official. i think i would dress up as the president. what would you dress up as? an opera singer, a cheesy lounge singer, a flower? do tell.
scruffy almost fell over backwards smelling something in the air that only she can smell. i checked out a sign-language dictionary and a french slang book from the library (librarys are the coolest) and i'm studying both assidiously. i've also been perusing the word lists for the GRE so don't be intimidated if i drop some really big words on you---but i can't even really remember any right now. what are some of your favourite big words? i like equivocate and ephemera. and, of course, supercallifragilisticexpealidocious.
i hope your family and friends are undamaged by the storm lindsey--please let me know.
emily is changing lives in pennsylvania working with developmentally disabled kids---i have linked her blog to mine so be sure and read it. i have to go eat the rest of my soggy ravioli and go dance dance dance the night away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going. Don't miss visiting this site about how to buy & sell everything, like cat lover gift on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.

6:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)Potential plans in the works for Katrina victims & blessings have been recounted multiple times.
2)I'm pretty sure it's a tutu that makes you an official dancer, not a leotard. Sorry.
3)An official costume designer.
4)Insouciant - which would apply to Brady, at times. Addlepated - which would apply to me most of the time. And then, there is always demimondaine, which, of course, describes you in no way, shape or form. However, I am still quite attached to wallop even though it is neither long, nor impressive.
5)I would rather my commenters(-it should be a word) have to register for a free site with their email address to be able to make their remarks, rather than have the supremely disgusting spam that has polluted your glorious site.
6)Have I taken up enough space, or should I continue?

1:06 PM

Blogger brandyn hart said...

melissa---the words are fantastic. and you can always take up as much space as you please...

8:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to use big words till I had kids. Since then I have opted for more slang phrases, such as "Johnnie on the spot" vs. ubiquitous. Anxious for Alex to come home. Would tutor her how to start a blog, but I don't know how. We are talking food items she will want before leaving the states for three months;steak, penne 'cecco; chuy's mexican; and much more. Do you know her other favorites dishes? I know yours is anything served at traditional T'giving dinner.
love, mom

9:17 AM

Blogger brandyn hart said...

fried calamari-----she can smell that stuff a mile away.

6:26 PM


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