Tuesday, November 01, 2005

the days after cool days are always so uncool in comparison. take today for instance; the day after halloween. what a drag to be today. and the day after christmas. and the day after the day after thanksgiving. and the day after my birthday. oh well. today is the day after halloween and it has lived up to its name. another day of work. i went to a pilates class at the gym which was one of the dumbest things i given my time to in a while. it was basically a few stretches and breaths with the instructor saying "nice n' easy now, that's it.." if i wanted it "nice n' easy" i would have stayed home...
but i guess i got to breathe and stretch some. that's nice. i topped it all off with some almond fudge ice cream when i got home. i think doctors recommend it as the perfect end to a good workout---you know--all that...um...protein.
i got another job today. i figured i could use some extra money around the holidays so i could buy myself some christmas presents. and i'm trying to find a couple of part-time jobs so i can quit countrywide before i go absolutely postal and throw computer screens over cubicles. so i am now officially employed at anthropologie as well. which is a very fashionable clothing store where everything costs at least millions of dollars. i don't even think i have clothes cool enough to wear to work. they must be desperate. but i get a 40% discount there and at urban outfitters which basically means i will not be saving any money whatsoever. but even cooler--i get to put my whole immediate family (sorry ryan) on the discount as well. so katelyn and alex and mom and even you dad (i think you would look especially stunning in a glittering circle skirt) have a discount too. they have home furnishings mom. maybe something for katelyn's (previous) room? i can just hear the excitement from the sisters. do they even have urban outfitters in very un-urban olympia katie-bug? i pretty sure they don't have any in mexico--even though their labour probably comes from there. oh--nothing like parting with your values for a buck. first--pushing numbers around on a computer. now--pushing numbers around on a computer AND selling expensive clothes made in china for $1/day. blah blah. when i don't think about it that way though--and merely think about it as a stepping stone to get to the next place--i don't mind the dumb jobs so much. i have to save money to eventually make money. and buy a farm. and go to school. and have a yacht.
i'm looking into getting my teaching certification. i think it could be excellent. me and a blackboard and tons of pliable minds. muuuuhhhaaaaaaaa.
more on that as i discover. my tea has steeped for well over the recommended time now and will probably be harsh and bitter. but that, my dear friends and family, is the willing price i pay to be able to communicate with you. i am a martyr. never never forget that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Circle skirt? I lean more toward the "Moonlit Garden Tea Gown", I love the creamy-gold hydrangeas tipped with green-gold leaves. Does it come in a 42 regular? What shoes should I wear with it? You are now my fashion consultant. I'm so proud of you! By the way, that exercise program you're on is the bomb! How to you find the discipline to stay with it? Can I substitute cookies and creme for the almond fudge and get the same results?

6:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happen to know that someone's grandmother (or gamo as it were) really likes a particular sweater found at your new place of employment. Perhaps with all the discounts going around I might take it off my list and add it to someone elses? Then she can be one hip mo. (sorry)

10:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fellow fern footed woman -
I zapped you an e mail yesterday...forgetting about your blogspot. After asking in my email how your life journey was, it surfaced - your blog spot....so I mosied (sp) to read about your newest adventures. How ironic that it included the "day after" when it was the day after my birthday - how in sync for me. Plus after consuming that Java Chip icecream the night before - that too pulled my string as you spoke of your perfect protein.

Anyway - thanks for connecting and providing the material for me to relate to and giggle with you.......I shall hold onto the "nice and easy"...until later Brandyn "like the boy" and martyr ;)

6:51 AM


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