Thursday, November 10, 2005

so i have only worked at anthropology about a week and my wardrobe already shows it. yay! for discounts. at the same time boo! for discounts. i'm supposed to save....not spend. and if there is anything i have learned in life thus far, its that you can't do both simultanously. i don't know how to spell. i get it from my father.
i just now learned that a grouping of larks is called "an exhaltation of larks" and there is a "wedge of swans" and a "seige of herons." that is phenomonally interesting. i once saw this astounding book in a bookstore that was bascially just a list of names for groups of things. a pride of lions, a parliment of rooks and so on. i, for some reason, did not purchase it. i have probably talked about this book for over five years now---bemoaned the fact that i don't own it and having no way to look for it since i didn't know the title or the author. but i just found it on the inter-web. it is called "an exhaltation of larks" and it is by james lipton. i will purchase it very soon. i will keep you intrigued with names of groups of things. i wonder if there is a name for a group of fools. or a group of ketchup bottles. endless possiblities! boundless knowledge!
i would like to share with you all one very important piece of news. i am now the proud proud and pretty owner of a pink leotard, pink tights, and a pink tutu. this is all due to the sense of humour of one melissa mora. i laughed all day after receiving a package full o' pink in the mail. very very witty aunty m.
i work very long days (16 hrs) and am tired when i get home. but i make money. when i find out how to make money without working for it i will be the master of the universe i think. but i haven't time to put thought into becoming master...for i must work. they say money doesn't grow on trees but i don't know....i may stick a quarter in the soil just in case. and water it with my tears. that was dramatic.
i am counting down the days until turkey. and sweet potato...and pumpkin pie....and stuffing....mmmmm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah for being a souless mall employee! i will probably swing by your store tonight on my break if you are by some chance working. is the pink tutu for your dance class?

12:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haw darr you inceduate that my speeling is astroshush. I take greet offesee. I r an exucated human beeing. whatis a tutu?

7:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

re: groupings. Do you mean a Confederacy of Dunces. Are you a founding member?

Or is this group otherwise called flock, herd, covey, pack,clutch, or pod? Pehaps "famiy?"

Sorry I am waxing phily (will not do long version of the word, b/c I cant spell either), Doris Day is singing on the "stereo." That means I am enjoying the wine and music. How about you?

Will you bring all the pink home to compat the orange?

Love, Mom

7:14 PM

Blogger brandyn hart said...

of course i'm bringing the pink home. i'm wearing it for thanksgiving dinner. duh.

2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

heehee! Thought Ryan must've left the comment that fashion can be an investment. She'll be thrilled to know someone in the universe shares her sentiment (of sorts).

While you're on your pursuit of higher knowlege:

A group of 'official ballerinas' is called a 'troupeau'.

5:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exquisite and fresh you must be in your new pink tutu, leotard and tights ...does it need to be ironed - oh how I love to help out ;) I am glad there was clarification in who the leotard came from, otherwise I may have made an assumption that a group of Red Cross volunteers sent it to you. May you dance through sweet potatoes and all of those other gifts of earth produce. And as I speak of sweet potatoes, I am positive that Moldihello only has white potatoes, mushy green beans, jello molds and a turkey full of chemicals. And if you think of going to the grocery store for fresh veggies - a group of paid red cross staff will confiscate your keys......

8:33 PM

Blogger kyle said...

My grandfather once advised me that "mo' money" equaled "mo problems. " so I've implemented a strategy that includes making boatloads of cash and then squandering it on mopeds and takeout .

10:54 PM


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