i'm sore as hell today. i think my trapezing muscles are way under-used. but i still feel great. i don't think i was nearly as productive today at work as i should have been and i blame it on the glorious flying daydreams i was revelling in. am i too old to go pro?
i hate being "too old" for stuff. that's lame. age is a mental thing right? that means my dad must be getting close to four.
speaking of age--nick is turning 25 on thursday and we are going out for sushi. and i am buying him a present of sorts and we are going bouldering/camping this weekend. good times. everybody be sure to call him and make him feel as important as he is.
it is now 8:32 p.m. nick is at aikido (yay! he is learning to throw people across the room. don't mess with him..) and i am contemplating bed already. it was over 100 degrees (i am always so frustrated there is no degree symbol on the typer) this weekend and i think it sapped the energy out of me. last night was somewhat apocolyptic--nick and i returned home to find the entire block without electricity. and it didn't come back on until 5:30 this morn. you never realise how loud the white noise that surrounds us is--until it's gone. the house was so beautiful and silent. the crickets and birds sounded so much louder. i shut my eyes next to our wide open window and pretended i was in a tent. a bed in a tent---there's an idea (i think that's the attraction for the evil r.v.s that people seem to love around here. barf).
i'm reading "omnivore's dilemma" by michael pollan which is an incredible book thus far that i highly recommend. it's basically about corn but manages to be so fascinating. who knew? just like al gore's movie being so riveting. life is full of suprises. right now i'm reading about the cruel things we do to cows in feed lots. it's so disturbing and really comes right back to the human. just like polluting the environment comes back to polluting our bodies. i am really glad i gave up meat---even though it's only been a few months my head feels so much clearer. and it is indeed a more compassionate way to live. not that i am preaching to give up meat---it is just interesting how it affects my life. i feel great. and i hope everyone reading this takes their own lives into their own hands and feels great too.
but soy bacon (facon) is actually legitimitely tasty. yum.
(i can just see the rolling eyes. "oh no here goes brandyn on her health soapbox again. can't help it.)
anyway--enough of that nonsense. i love you all and i want each and every one of you to come visit me. it's summertime. visiting-your-friends-and-family-time. hang-out-at-the-beach-time. give-hugs-to-me-time.
So let me get this straight, you fly through the air & he throws people through it? You people are just a bit scary. And Nick is turning 25 you say? You know you'll never be too old to date younger men! Speaking of "too old".....it's fiction. Two words (or actually names) Zue Bales. She's my role model. Study up!
Happy early birthday Nick! I have it on good authority (Ryan) that it's perfectly fine to celebrate the entire week of your birthdate! Have fun!
10:03 PM
Summer in Maine or California? ..specifically August! Hmmm...now there's a nice option. Loud crickets, birds, llamas - all part of Maine - absolutely "the way life should be". I can see you contemplating it.... I will even put up a tent with a bed in it, should you so wish ;) or we have a barn space that I am sure the birds would love to share with you.
I love your trapezing posts - you make me smile out loud! What a fabulous spirit you are!
OK so have you finished thinkin' ...great now you can come visit me! And I will stock up on Sapporo so you can ask for it.
9:29 AM
It makes me laugh to hear "too old" come from your mouth! I have underware older than you! Don't tell your mother, I keep them hidden for those days when I want to be extra comfortable! I find it interesting that the only way to make a substitute for meat to taste like anything, they make it taste like meat! What's next, cabbage flavored wall paper paste? Eat what you want, just don't eat a ton of it and sit in front of the t.v. Ok, ok I think we can all figure out where Brandyn got the preachy thing.
Say Happy Birthday to Nick for me and continue to fly through the air with the greatest of ease.
2:07 PM
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