it's stinking hot here. i left an apple in the car whilst trapezing (oh holy trapeze--thou art great..) and when i got back i had a baked apple. no kidding. baked. yowza.
so today i flew with ease on a flying trapeze. oh i haven't had so much fun since...i don't know when. it's like nothing you've ever done. my first fly i screamed so loud with sheer delight and amazement. i was flying! that made everyone laugh---the class is mainly seasoned veterans and i think you forget how fun that first flight is. but i got to hang on my knees and get caught by the other trapeze and then turn around mid-air and try to catch the empty trapeze again. i didn't catch time maybe. because there will be a next time. of this i am sure. it's never to late to run away and join the circus.
i have the beginning of calluses on my palms and the back of my knees and wrists are scraped from the swing and the net but i feel spectacular. now i just need to learn the spanish web and how to juggle and tightrope walk and....
ok. one thing at a time. or maybe two. yoga and trapeze. i am unstoppable.
come visit and we'll go fly on the trapeze. and go to yoga class.
sound good?
that's what i thought.
nick and i have been listening to japanese tapes in the car and learning a suprising amount. do you know how to say "where is the beer" in japanese? i do. i bet you don't wanna go to japan without me by your side. otherwise you'll be sad and beer-less.
i worked three 13 hour days last week so i am excited to go back to the measly 8 hour days. and the paycheck will be fatty. and i will spend it all on trapeze.
unless you come visit--then i will take you to eat sushi and buy you a beer.
everyone should read sister alex's blog. it is no longer mexican adventure but turkish adventure extrodinaire. good stuff.
you're good stuff too.
yay trapeze!!! have fun!
1:20 AM
do you think that even tho you are a trapeze person they will teach you how they get all those clowns in that car?
12:14 PM
maybe if you work really hard, they will make you the bearded lady, or at least a barker! How about lion tamer or the guy that follows the elephants with a shovel?
4:58 PM
was the 4:58 pm anonymous your father? If so, I wasn't home to audit his replies, so don't blame me. Love Mom
8:04 PM
mom---who else would it be?
i don't blame you for his behaviour--never have.
ryan--i miss you heaps.
cj--why do we communicate only via blog when we live very close to one another?
emily--that is some math i can get behind. love it.
dad--i would just like to remind you that i came from the union of you and mother so any form of cutdown is a direct reflection on you as well. ha ha. you just got served fool!
8:26 PM
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