ohmigawd. stop the world. i'm posting on my blog again.
three months later....
i shan't even attempt to fill you in on lost time. it looks like everyone i know has been rather lazy about keeping current so i don't feel quite so guilty. what is with my guilt complex anyway? you would think i was raised catholic or something. so---today is wednesday (i hope i spelled that right---i never remember that stupid day's spelling...) and my family is coming into moorpark, california tomorrow. moorpark, california is my place of residency. that means we will all be together. i am sooo excited! whoo-hoo. but our house sorta resembles a train wreck so i must clean and scrub before it falls under the scrutinizing eyes of my mother. but i have ceramics tonight and then tomorrow is already here. ahh. i'm taking ceramics by the way. thus far i have not managed to throw anything but lumpy, squishy bits of clay. but one day i will make a beautiful bowl. and i will eat my daily cereal out of it. my knitting is coming along a little better---though it is lumpy as well. sigh...
perhaps i'm doomed to lumpy art. i'm making a scarf for all these freeezing winter nights here in southern california (notice the sarcasm?). i'm also signed up for modern dance and ballet once again which makes me happy. for a fleeting moment i considered taking tap dance but then backed out. tap dance is a little too freakishly happy for me. come to think of it---have you ever seen a mournful tap piece? niether have i. maybe i'll coreograph one... it'll probably come out lumpy.
oh! big news! nick and i bought a new car. that's a lie. the car is actually as old as i am. but it's new to us! her name is "woman" or "beast" or any combination thereof. she is a mercedes 3000sd and she is maroon. she runs on vegetable oil. that's right---veg oil. screw you exxon/mobil! blow it out yer 'ol wazoo british petroleum! i go to costco to fill my tank! she (the car) is quite the land-yacht. nick and i feel that we should be wearing polyester and boat shoes and listening to smoooooth jazz when we drive her around. don't worry though--we don't do any of those things. she has quite a laundry list of problems but i won't get into all that here--it gets depressing. however, we must remember that she runs on vegetable oil. when she drives it smells like someone is cooking delicious french fries. that is a perfectly good reason for buying a car not in perfect condition.
what else? what else?
i'm still doing yoga and getting nicer by the minute. watch out! i'm sooo nice now. i was planning to do the teacher training for yoga but i was just informed recently that the training had to be postponed because not enough people signed up. that is sad but i'm secretly really happy because now i can start taking trapeze lessons again. if anyone is clueless as to what to get me for my birthday---trapeze lessons is a sure-fire winner. i will profess my undying love to you if you purchase that for me. the name is gaona trapeze or something and it's in woodland hills, ca. and my name is brandyn. and my birthday is on friday. i will be celebrating the 6th anniversary of my 21st birthday. it would be delightful if you could be here. if not--a card and some cash will be an acceptable substitution.