i am blogging from work which is highly illegal. i like living my life on the edge.
the fog has been taking over sunny southern california all week and it's been gray and wet. i relish the change.
all kinds of interesting things are happening around me. a boston physician is running for president of the democratic rupublic of congo (check out day to day on npr.org for the story), bolivia's natural gas fields were nationalized (ayn rand would be in a rage), adam smith wrote "the wealth of nations" (i know that was in 1776--but i'm listening to his biography now in 2006), and i'm tormented by a decision between taking flying trapeze classes or yoga.
there is a school of aerial arts in hollywood that teaches flying trapeze and the spanish web (the big ribbons of cloth that hang from the ceiling that one twists up in and then falls---escaping the floor by clutching with the big toe at the last moment). i've wanted to learn these things for a while. back in austin i had a friend with a trapeze in her backyard that taught me some moves. such fun! so hard! painful! but oh---to fly through the air with ease. that would be incredible. most likely i would fly through the air with unease but....i would eventually get over it right? right.
but yoga is so good for me and opens my chakras and stuff. and makes me love the world more i think. i need some help in that area. living in so-cal does not make me feel the love so much. hmmmm....
to love or to fly? that is the question.
how 'bout flying whilst loving? i think i could make that happen.
i've been horseback riding a couple of times since my lovely parents bought me lessons for christmas. the other day i was in a class of six other girls. all age 9 or under. learning new things as an adult is a humbling experience. but i am learning very quickly. my posting trot and 2-point position are lovely if i do say so myself. and i finally forked over the money to take pilates twice a week after complaining about how much it costs for years and years. and i think i'm hooked. swell. another expensive hobby i love. i should start a "fund my expensive hobbies" programme. where people give me money. and i take their money. and go hobby it up.
but pilates really is incredible. very challenging. i will soon be able to break very large, hard objects on my abdominal muscles. like someone's face. oh oops. love. i forgot about feeling the love.
between pilates and work and rotaract and afore-mentioned dilemma---life is pretty busy. i've been listening to "the 100 most influential people" series that i checked out from the library. so far i know everything there is to know about aristotle, francis bacon, john locke, voltaire (my favourite so far), descartes, and adam smith. but don't ask me anything about them because i don't remember. i think this series is woefully incomplete. there is only one woman (but it is marie curie---one of the coolest humans ever) and i am not in it. not even a mention. ah well. i found descartes to be especially inspiring. he basically never left his bed. so i too took to my bed to see if i could come up with something as influential as "i think, therefore i am" whilst lying there. it didn't work. but don't give up on me yet my fellow philosophes-----one day. one day.
unlike descartes, i must work to support myself. and my hobbies. so i should really go and at least pretend to be deserving of the money i am making right now. ciaou.